جلسه مجمع عمومی شبکه نظارت از محیط زیست و منابع طبیعی به تاریخ 13 سپتامبر 2018 مصادف با 22 سنبله 1397 در دفتر موسسه سبز جوانان افغانستان سکرتریت شبکه برگزار گردید. در نخست جلسه آقای محمد...
AYG Conducting the 1st quarterly meeting which was done in KHK office with participation of representatives from NEPA, MAIL, Environment Commission of Upper...
The Meeting held in Secretariat of Afghanistan Young Greens on 7th Saratan 1397 coincides with 28th June 2018. Along with series of other activities, were...
Board members meeting held on Monday July 16, 2018 coincides with 25.Sartan.1397 in the office of Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources Monitoring...
In the course of a democratic, transparent and free-standing process, the Afghanistan Young Greens (AYG) succeeded in becoming the secretariat of the...