First Quarterly Meeting
AYG Conducting the 1st quarterly meeting which was done in KHK office with the participation of representatives from NEPA, MAIL, Environment Commission of Upper House, Ministry of Interior Affairs, Kabul Municipality, National Security Directorate and members of KHK Shura;
AYG conducted its first quarterly meeting on Aug 2, 2017. This meeting took place in Kol-e-Hashmat Khan (KHK) Office in presence of representatives from NEPA, MAIL, Environment Commission of Upper House, Ministry of Defence, Kabul Municipality, National Security Directorate and KHK Shura. The main purpose of this meeting was to discuss on KHK problems such as; lack of awareness, lack of security stations/guards, illegal grazing, illegal hunting, lack of waste management, lack of water management and so on.
At the beginning, the governmental authorities congratulated the KHK which recently was announced as a national protected area and national park. Furthermore, they discussed above-mentioned problems and seek for solutions. Then, all the participants had a tour/visit in the area, seeing the real situation especially the usurped lands, introducing different parts of the area and discussing on the root of the problems and solutions.