

Monthly General Assembly Meeting of Environment & Natural Resources Monitoring Network (ENRMN)

The Meeting held in Secretariat of Afghanistan Young Greens on 7th Saratan 1397 coincides with 28th June 2018. Along with series of other activities, were attended by institutional and individual members of the Environmental and Natural Resources Monitoring Network in order to improve coordination and achieve the goals of the Network.
Mohammad Shafaq, the Executive Director of Afghanistan young greens and Secretariat of Environment & Natural Resources Monitoring Network, welcomed the members of the Network and called on Mr. Yasin Setiz; Network Coordinator, to provide network members with information on network activities.
Mr. Setiz provided detailed information to participant of the meeting, on board of directors meetings held on 14th & 28th of May 2018.
According to the agenda of the meeting, Mr. Setiz enlightened the plan for activities of Sada-e-Zameen Magazine. Required suggestions were given by the members of Network for the improvement of the Magazine, which Mr. Setiz said that after attaching these suggestions again will be sent to the members of Network for their feedback and confirmation.
During the meeting Mr. Yasin Setiz provided information concerned with establishing mechanism for building relations with national and international organizations and as well as with relevant stakeholders and singing MoUs with them. He also requested for collaboration in this regard
In the next session of the meeting the drafted policy of the local people’s committee around the mining area was shared with the members of the General Assembly, which they had some suggestion and objections about its name and some other issues, and Mr. Setiz promised that this policy after considering the criticisms and Applying suggestions will again be shared with the members of the General Assembly for review and approval.

According to the meeting agenda Mr. Setiz informed all about the reasons of conducting and postponing of the press conference, after the discussion between members they decided for postponing of the press conference once again and after the reviewing of the new and previous mining law, general assembly will decided about the new date and time of press conference.

About the author

Zuhra Hussaini


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